Your phone number (with country, city, area codes):
Do you own or rent your home? Own Rent Number of adults in your household? Age? 18-30 30-65 65+ Number and ages of children in your household? Does anyone in your family have allergies to dogs? No Yes Don't know Is everyone in your family committed to getting an Irish Setter or Lakeland Terrier? No Yes If no, please explain? NA Who will be the primary care giver? not answered Have you ever owned an Irish Setter or Lakeland Terrier or any other breed previously? No Yes If yes, what happened to it? NA Are you interested in an Irish Setter or Lakeland Terrier? And, when are you looking to purchase a puppy? ASAP What traits are you looking for in this puppy? outgoing?quiet?big?small?light?dark? Are you interested in a male or female? Male Female If that sex is not available would you consider the other? No Yes Why? not answered Would you consider an older puppy or adult dog? No Yes Maybe If yes or maybe what is the maximum age you would consider? 1 Year 1-2 Years 2-4 Years 4-6 Years 6-8 Years 8+ Years Do you have a fenced in yard or enclosure? No Yes If no, how do you plan to control your dog, if yes what type and height of fence (i.e., chainlink, invisible, dog run)? ? How much exercise will this dog receive? none Where will the dog PRIMARILY spend its time? Outside Inside Both Kennel Reason for wanting an Irish Setter or Lakeland Terrier - check all that apply: Companion Conformation Obedience Field Hunting Breeding Agility How many hours per day will this dog be left alone? 1-3 3-6 6-9 If more than 6 hours will there be a lunch walk? No Yes, by family member Yes, by dog walker Where will the dog be when no one is home - loose, crated, confined to kitchen, basement, garage, yard, kennel or other? not answered Where will the dog sleep at night? - on the bed, loose, crated, confined to kitchen, basement, garage, yard, kennel or other? not answered What would you do with the dog if you suddenly found yourself unable to keep it? (things do happen!) not answered Do you have any other pets currently? No Yes If yes, what types, ages and temperament? Are they spayed or neutered? none Will you spaying or neutering this dog? No Yes Depends Please explain, are you planning on breeding? none What problems (health, training, behavior, etc) if any did you have with previous dogs? none Have you ever given a dog up to a shelter, pound or rescue group, if yes please explain? no Have you ever taken a dog to obedience classes? No Yes Do you plan on taking this puppy to obedience? No Yes How long do you expect house breaking to take? not answered Have you familiarized yourself with the characteristics of the Irish Setter or Lakeland Terrier? No Yes How much time do you expect to do weekly on training and grooming? 1 hour 1-2 hours 3-4 hours 4-5 hours 5-6 hours 6-7 hours 7 Plus hours Are you willing to follow the Health Guidelines supplied by Rusticwood Kennels regarding shots, exercise and feeding? No Yes Maybe If no or maybe please explain: none Are you willing to stay in regular contact with Rusticwood Kennels for the life of the dog and provide updates? No Yes Please provide two references (one preferably your vet and #'s) none How do you plan for the puppy to get to you, i.e., pickup, ship? ? Anything else you would like to tell us? ie. hobbies, more about the type of life the dog will be living